Supporting local families with their household budget pressures, like cutting the fuel excise in half, saving you 22 cents per litre for six months. We’re also making a one-off $250 payment to 24,046 local pensioners and carers and increasing their regular payments. And we’re making childcare affordable for local families.
Our economic recovery plan lowers taxes for families and small business and invests in skills, infrastructure and manufacturing. Around 68,500 local low and middle income earners will receive up to $1,500 in further tax relief this year, including a $420 tax offset. And our tax incentives will allow around 24,000 local businesses to write-off the full value of any eligible asset they purchase.
We’re investing in fixing local roads and transport infrastructure to save lives and reduce travel times. Major local projects include $1.6 billion for the Beerwah to Maroochydore passenger rail line extension, Bruce Highway upgrades between Caloundra Road and the Sunshine Motorway, Glasshouse Mountain Road upgrades at Beerburrum to Palmview, Maroochydore Road and Mons Road interchange upgrade, the North Coast Duplication, a further $160 million committed to the Mooloolah River Interchange upgrade, and $739 million committed to upgrading the Pine River to Caloundra Corridor on the Bruce Highway.
Investing in better services and a stronger Medicare and delivering more than 606,000 local Telehealth consultations since 2020. We’ve funded more than 2.2 million free or subsidised medicines locally this year. We’re investing record funding in aged care to help the 31,445 seniors living in Fisher. And public school funding will also increase by over 30% to 2029 under our Quality Schools Package.
I’m proud that we’re investing in our local communities, with better facilities and public spaces that families can enjoy now and into the future like the Mooloolah Community Men’s Shed building and fit-out, the Caloundra Men’s Shed relocation, Glasshouse RSL renovations, and construction of the WindanSea Community Clubhouse. In addition LNP policies have supported the installation of 36,800 rooftop solar panels locally. And I’m proud to have led the fight against council’s casino and unnecessary light rail.
Our Plan is Building a Strong Economy for a Stronger Future
Creating more, better paid jobs.
Delivering tax relief for workers and small businesses.
Investing in roads, rail and renewables.
Making record investments in health and aged care.
Investing in stronger defence to make Australia safer.
Authorised by Lincoln Folo, Liberal National Party of Queensland, 281 Sandgate Road, Albion QLD 4010
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